Implement a breadcrumb in Angular with PrimeNg
Implement a breadcrumb bar in Angular with PrimeNg A breadcrumb bar is a very important piece of any website. It gives an idea where the user is currently in, from where the user landed on this page and finally allow the user to navigate back to any steps wanted. I like to call it an “enhanced version of the URL path”. The URL path in itself has the information but it might, at time, not be human readable. That is where the breadcrumb become indispensable. I showed few features of PrimeNg in my previous posts about building an inline form and about building a tree structure . It turns out that they also provide a Angular friendly breadcrumb component. Today we will see how we can make use of the breadcrumb component together with the Angular router to provide a breadcrumb bar. This post is composed by 3 parts: 1. PrimeNg Breadcrumb component 2. Breadcrumb service, parent/child component communication 3. Use the breadcrumb service together with the PrimeNg Breadcrumb component 1...