Basic Authentication with Nginx
Basic Authentication with Nginx Basic authentication provides an easy way to password protect an endpoint on our server. Today we will see how we can create a password file and use it to enable basic authentication on Nginx. Create a password Enable basic authentication Reuse configuration If you haven’t seen Nginx before, you can have a look at my previous blog post on Getting started with Nginx 1. Create a password To create a password, we will use the apache2-utils tool called htpasswd . sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2-utils htpasswd allows use to create passwords encrypted stored in a file sudo htpasswd -c /etc/myapp/.htpasswd user1 -c is used to create the file. If we want to add other users we can omit the parameter. sudo htpasswd /etc/myapp/.htpasswd user2 Now if we navigate to /etc/myapp/ we will be able to find our .htpasswd file containing encrypted passwords together with usernames. 2. Enable basic authentication Enabling basic authenti