Multi environment logging with Serilog for AspNet Core
Multi environment logging with Serilog for AspNet Core Few months ago we saw how to get started with Serilog. We discovered what was Serilog and the different concepts of settings, enrichers and sinks. Today we will see how we can take Serilog further and configure a logging mechanism for an application running in multi environment. Setup Serilog Multi environment AWS CloudWatch 1. Setup Serilog If you have never seen Serilog before you can start with my previous post on How to get started with Serilog . In order to configure our first logging mechanism, we start by creating an AspNet Core application and install Serilog , Serilog.AspNetCore and the sinks we will be using Serilog.Sinks.Console , Serilog.Sinks.File . RollingFile sink also exists but it has been superseded with File sink. Next we can configure the logger to write to Console and write to a file: public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) { return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)