Implement a breadcrumb in Angular part 2
Implement a breadcrumb in Angular part 2 Last month I showed how we could build a breadcrumb with PrimeNG in Angular (you can read it as appetizer if you are interested in implementing a breadcrumb bar). In my previous post, I suggested to have a service BreadcrumbService which would hold the crumbs and get updated in ngOnInit of the component used on the route. Since then, I always was uncomfortable with this approach as this meant that my component would know the existance of a breadcrumb, because it updates it, while I always believed it should not know and not care . This led me to figure another way to abstract away from the component the concept of breadcrumb by combining guard, resolver and route. It can be achieved with the following 3 steps: 1. Register your crumbs as route data 2. Create a guard which ensure that the crumbs are set on the service before page is shown 3. Change the breadcrumb service to use a ReplaySubject instead of Subject 1. Register your crumbs as