Deploy ASP NET Core application on Docker Linux container
Deploy ASP NET Core application on Docker Linux container from Windows Few weeks ago we saw how we could run ASP NET Core application on Ubuntu . This proving that a .NET Core Application can run on a Linux system, today we will be taking it a step further and see how we can deploy our application in a Docker Linux container. This post will be composed by three parts: Install Docker on Windows Docker basic commands Create ASP NET Core application 1. Install Docker on Windows The first step is to go to the official site, sign up and download Docker CE . Once downloaded, install Docker. After being installed you should be able to right click on the icon > Settings on the Docker notification icon and see that Docker is running by checking the status at the bottom left, it should say Docker is running . Open PowerShell and type docker run hello-world . $ docker run hello-world Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/hello-world