Differences between Internal and External Folders in Xamarin.Android
Differences between Internal and External Folders in Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Forms When using Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android, chances are that you had at one point of time to access a local file. Whether it is an image or a text file or even a local sqlite database, accessing a file from a Xamarin.Android project can be confusing. Today I will show you how you can get the absolute path of the different folders available in Xamarin.Android and we will see how we can get the paths from Xamarin.Forms. This post is composed 3 parts: 1. Internal folder 2. Public and private external folders 3. Access folder paths from Xamarin.Forms 1. Internal folder The internal folder is a folder specific to your application. It can only be access within your application and no other applications can touch the files within that folder. You can get it using the following: Android.App.Application.Context.FilesDir.AbsolutePath The path looks something like that: /data/user/0/com.kimserey.m...