Authentication for WebSharper sitelet with JWT token in F#
Authentication for WebSharper sitelet with Jwt token in F# Authentication is an important part of any Web applications. Today I will explain how we can create the essential modules required to authenticate a user. This post will be composed by four parts: 1. What is needed for authentication 2. Password encryption and storage 3. JWT token 4. OWIN auth middleware and WebSharper OWIN selfhost 5. Glue it all together 1. What is needed for authentication In this blog post we will see how to authenticate users with credentials userid and password. First, we will see how to store encrypted password and how we can verify credentials against the one contained in database. Then we will see how we can authenticate users while communicating between client (browser) and server with Jwt token. Lastly we will see how both glued together provide a reliable authentication story. 2. Password encryption and storage 2.1 Storage To store data I will be using Sqlite via Sqlite net pcl. If yo...