Approximate your spending pattern using Gradient descent in FSharp
Approximate your spending pattern using Gradient descent in FSharp The advantage of tracking your expenses is that you can compare each month and check if you saved more or less money than the previous month. Another interesting information is to know how fast you are spending your money . Checking how fast you spend your money gives you a hint on whether you are likely to be out or within budget at the end of the month. The easiest way to check that is to plot the daily cumulated sum of your expenses and compare each month. I have been doing this for the past few months and it worked pretty well but I realised that the cumulated sum is not always nice to look at. It looks like incremental steps which is not so pleasing to the eye. As soon as you have more than three cumulated sum plotted on the same graph, it becomes messy and hard to see. The goal is to be able to be able to understand your financial situation in a glance, without having to spend more than one second a the plot. ...