Manage secrets with Hashicorp Vault

Manage secrets with Hashicorp Vault

During development it is common to save local connection string in the code via setting files. But when it comes the time to deploy, hosted environments should not have their secrets persisted as plain text in the code.
Since those can’t be saved in the git repository, they have to be stored in a secure place where they can be managed easily, a vault. Hashicorp Vault is one of this software which allows us to store and retrieve secrets while providing a granular level of control over the secret accesses.
Today we will see the basic configuration of Hashicorp Vault to store and retrieve secrets using the Vault CLI. This post will be composed by four parts:

  1. Start Vault
  2. Save secrets
  3. Create a role with a policy
  4. Retrieve secrets

1. Start Vault

1.1 Configure Vault

Head to and download the latest binaries of Vault then place it in a folder and add the folder to PATH.

Before starting Vault we need to create a configuration, copy the following in config.hcl:

storage "file" {
  path = "data"

listener "tcp" {
 address     = ""
 tls_disable = 1

This configuration specifies that Vault will save it’s data on the filesystem in the /data folder relative to where Vault executable is.
Next start Vault with vault server -config config.hcl.

1.2 Initiliaze Vault

Once Vault is running we can initialize it by opening another command prompt and running:

set VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
vault operator init -key-threshold=1 -key-shares=1
Unseal Key 1: jaRLkdU5TZ3Thq6Tdw4iAIGXGo7xHXrk9fSnQJPf7b8=
Initial Root Token: d5918c94-edc5-ffcc-1d9e-c11c92f350cf

The first time Vault is initilized, it generates secret keys, here a single one since we set the key-shares and key-threshold to one and a root token.
The secret keys need to be kept securely. They are used to reconstruct the master key and execute operation like unsealing the vault or generating another root token.

The root token is a token provided for the first Vault user to bootstrap the configuration. The root token has all access therefore it is recommended to revoke it once the configuration is done. If need be another root token can be generated using the secret keys.

1.3 Unseal vault and login

When the vault starts it is sealed. To unseal it we need the key.

vault operator unseal
Unseal Key (will be hidden):

Next once we unsealed the vault, we can login:

vault login
Token (will be hidden):

We should now be logged in as root user.

2. Save secrets

Next we can start to add secret like so:

vault write secret/myapp some_secret=123

As you can see Vault works like a filesystem with paths. We are able to read/write secrets on a particular path.

vault read secret/myapp
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    768h
some_secret         123

We can also write in sub folders:

vault write secret/myapp/production some_secret=456
vault list secret/myapp
vault read secret/myapp/production
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    768h
some_secret         456

You also must have noticed that everything was prefixed with secret. secret is the default handler for secrets to be stored and retrieved from key value store. More information here.

3. Create a role with a policy

What we need next is to have a way to generate tokens with read access only to the secrets under myapp.

The authentication targeted to application needing to authenticate to Vault to request the secrets they need is called approle.

3.1 Enable approle

Approle allows us to create a role which is configured with policies dictating the accesses granted by the token.
We run the following command to enable approle.

vault auth enable approle

3.2 Create policy

Next we can create a policy which allows the read on /myapp. We start by creating a hcl file:

path "secret/myapp" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

path "secret/myapp/*" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

Vault also provides a utility to verify that the policy is formatted properly using fmt.

vault policy fmt policies/myapp.hcl

And lastly we add the policy in vault.

vault policy write myapp policies/myapp.hcl
vault policy read myapp
path "secret/myapp" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

path "secret/myapp/*" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

3.3 Create role

A role allows us to group together a set of policies and configurate settings on the secret and token like TTL.

We already created the policy so now we can create the role and associate the policy to it.

vault write auth/approle/role/myapp secret_id_ttl=10m secret_id_num_uses=10 policies=default,myapp

Whoever authenticates under the role myapp will be provided a token allowing read access to secrets under /myapp.

Now the authentication requires two pieces, role Id and secret Id.
The role id can be found using the following command.

vault read auth/approle/role/myapp/role-id
Key        Value
---        -----
role_id    2fbc9478-c4fe-6243-792b-5ac1642fb05c

And the secret id can be found using the following command.

> vault write -f auth/approle/role/myapp/secret-id
Key                   Value
---                   -----
secret_id             fa856dcc-129e-7da4-fe3e-6e21e46ae7ff
secret_id_accessor    6cd7beb1-afb1-4e3a-3c97-a89cf01756f7

Here -f is used to force to generate the value without content posted.

Providing the role Id and the secret Id to the application provides a safeguard as no one will be handling the secrets apart from the application.

Another advantage is that the secret Id lifecycle is controlled by the role.

4. Retrieve secrets

So far we have a configured a role, retrieved the role Id and secret Id.
In an application we need to retrieve the secrets which we defined in 2) to use them.
To do that we start by authenticating using the role Id and secret Id.

vault write auth/approle/login role_id=2fbc9478-c4fe-6243-792b-5ac1642fb05c secret_id=fa856dcc-129e-7da4-fe3e-6e21e46ae7ff

Key                     Value
---                     -----
token                   524986cf-d1bb-0c67-25c3-d039c6831bf0
token_accessor          14396458-c942-f7b1-17cd-a02130cdb1b5
token_duration          768h
token_renewable         true
token_policies          [default myapp]
token_meta_role_name    myapp

Once we have authenticated we receive a token which we can login with.

vault login 524986cf-d1bb-0c67-25c3-d039c6831bf0
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.

Key                     Value
---                     -----
token                   523986cf-d1bb-0c67-25c3-d039c6831bf0
token_accessor          14296458-c942-f7b1-17cd-a02130cdb1b5
token_duration          767h58m46s
token_renewable         true
token_policies          [default myapp]
token_meta_role_name    myapp

We can now retrieve the data from /secret/myapp!

If we try to perform any actions which we were doing while authenticated as root user, we will receive an unauthorized error.

vault policy list
Error listing policies: Error making API request.

URL: GET http://localhost:8200/v1/sys/policy
Code: 403. Errors:

* permission denied

In an application scenario, we would be authenticating from within the application and using the token to configure our database connection settings for example.


Today we saw how we could manage application secrets with Hashicorp Vault by setting up approle, an authentication designed for application to login and retrieve their secrets. Hope you liked this post. See you next time!


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